30 min Video for classroom use
     Focus on Fractals is 25 minutes long, and contains 8 segments.
The first is a brief review of Mandelbrot Sets and Julia Sets which
are the fundamental building blocks of fractal mathematics.

The next 4 scenes are zooms deep into the boundary of the Mandelbrot Set, which is named after the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot. The purpose of these zooms is to show you how much there is to see in the Mandelbrot Set and to give you a taste of the awesome beauty to be found in pure mathematics.
The next two scenes are Julia Promenades. Every point on the Mandelbrot Set gives rise to a unique Julia Set. A Julia Promenade results from linking together the many Julia Sets that arise from taking a predetermined route around the Mandelbrot Set. Julia Sets are named after the early 20th century french mathematician, Gaston Julia.
The last scene shows the path of a point as it traces out the Lorenz attractor, named after Edward Lorenz who is credited with the discovery of sensitivity to initial conditions, commonly known as the Butterfly Effect.
This is the Mandelbrot Set.
It was created from the equation X equals X squared plus C using simple iteration where X and C are both complex numbers. Therefore the Mandelbrot Set lies in the complex number plane which in this case is the plane of all possible C's.
Iteration is the process by which the output of an equation becomes the next input of the same equation in a repeated cycle that ends when X either goes off to infinity or converges to one or more finite values. X always starts at 0 and C is chosen from any place on the Mandelbrot Set. During the process of iteration C does not change. C acts as a constant that affects the final outcome of X.
C is colored according to how fast X escapes and results in the picture called the Mandelbrot Set. Where X does not escape the picture is colored black.
The Mandelbrot Set contains a wealth of beauty and detail in the border where the areas of black and color intermix in an infinite frenzy of order and chaos.
FOCUS ON FRACTALS, 30 minute Video